artwork in Mila's Septic Community

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So, I made this for my M.I.L pal.

May the M.I.L Duo stay strong!

Grand Re-Opening...

Happy Easter! (Plus the new Holiday OC, Effie Easter.)

Welp, I think I'm back at modeling FNAF character, have a look at the New Endoskeleton plus a remade version of Winnie and let me know what you think of it, I really like to hear your thoughts.

I made TailyTheScratchDaughter but looks smoothly lovely. (Hopefully, she will be cuter nerd.) If you want to share my oc? Then here is a Code in the article.

So me and @Septic_Girl_Creates_210 / @MilatheGamerMaker are making a podcast series inspired of The Unsued and Majin Sonic Show along with @AshtonMakesGame5 , @NikiDX and @Kseniya_chan 's podcast series. So here's the logo reveal.

Repost this to wish someone good luck on valentine's day.

Might as well repost the main avatars of mine also featuring my persona incase I add more fan-art to my fan-art collection list. And this now features the new designs of Marcus and the sisters.

Marcus, Isla, Erica, and Cora got updated designs. Banner will get updated soon. (Sorry for the shitty quality)

Practicing making a office with out using outlines and here is what I have so far. Let me know what you guys think!